KEB’s management consulting team has since 1986 developed an expertise in the administration of workforce development systems and programs. We offer a combination of high-level and front-line consulting services, addressing issues related to governance, fiscal management, program and fiscal monitoring, reporting and operations.
Having consulted at the local, State and Federal levels, KEB has helped workforce officials develop, implement and monitor compliance with policies and regulations under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998. This includes:
- Assuring compliance with government rules and regulations,
- Assessing organizational structures and their effectiveness,
- Building consensus and vision around improvements that need to be made, and
- Implementing changes, including by providing training, and routinely measuring whether the changes are effective or need to be adjusted.
Specific services include:
- Statewide fiscal and program monitoring
- Technical assistance to high-risk grantees
- Mergers and reconfigurations of local workforce investment areas
- Fiscal management and planning
- Management studies and operational reviews
- Statewide service delivery planning
- Service delivery area responsiveness reviews
- Strategic planning for one-stop career centers
KEB also has for more than 50 years provided audit and accounting services to government agencies, including auditing recipients of State and Federal funds.